Concluding Verses of Chapter 2 - Tactfulness
The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law
In the same fashion
that the buddhas,
past, present, and future, preach the Law,
so also will I now
proclaim the undivided Law.
past, present, and future, preach the Law,
so also will I now
proclaim the undivided Law.
The appearing of
buddhas in the world
is far apart and of rare occurrence,
and when they do appear in the world,
with equal rareness do they proclaim this Law.
is far apart and of rare occurrence,
and when they do appear in the world,
with equal rareness do they proclaim this Law.
Even in infinite countless kalpas,
rarely may this Law be heard;
and those who are able to listen to this Law,
men and women such as these are also rare.
It is like the udumbara flower,
which all love and enjoy,
seldom seen by gods and living beings,
appearing but once in long periods.
So those who, hearing the Law, extol it joyfully,
and utter but one single word of it
have already paid homage to
all the buddhas in the three worlds.
Such ones are exceedingly rare,
rarer than the udumbara flower.
Be you free from
I am king of the Law
and declare to all the assembly:
I, only by the One-vehicle Way,
teach the bodhisattvas,
and have no shravaka disciples.
I am king of the Law
and declare to all the assembly:
I, only by the One-vehicle Way,
teach the bodhisattvas,
and have no shravaka disciples.
Know all of you,
shravakas and bodhisattvas,
that this Wonderful Law
is the mystery of all the buddhas.
Because the chaotic world of the five decadences
only delights in sensual attachments,
creatures such as these
never seek the Buddha-way.
shravakas and bodhisattvas,
that this Wonderful Law
is the mystery of all the buddhas.
Because the chaotic world of the five decadences
only delights in sensual attachments,
creatures such as these
never seek the Buddha-way.
The confused in
generations to come
who hear the One-vehicle preached by the Buddha,
in their delusion and unbelief
will break the Law and fall into chaotic ways.
who hear the One-vehicle preached by the Buddha,
in their delusion and unbelief
will break the Law and fall into chaotic ways.
But there are beings modest and pure,
devoted to seeking the buddha-way;
for such as these I must
widely extol the One-vehicle Way.
Know, Shariputra!
The Law of the buddhas is thus,
by myriads of countless tactful ways
they proclaim the Law as opportunity serves.
Those who will not learn
are not able to discern it.
The Law of the buddhas is thus,
by myriads of countless tactful ways
they proclaim the Law as opportunity serves.
Those who will not learn
are not able to discern it.
You already know
the expedient tactful ways of the buddhas,
the leaders of the world.
Have no further doubts,
rejoice greatly in your hearts
knowing that you will become buddhas.