Thursday, November 08, 2018

Martin Luther King with Thich Nhat Hahn

Bodhisattva Never Despise
Third Dimension – Action
(Thich Nhat Hahn’s Buddhahood in 3 Dimensions)

This is exactly the message of the Lotus Sutra—
you are already a buddha in the ultimate dimension,
and you can become a buddha in the historical dimension.

  We also need to establish a third dimension of the Lotus Sutra to reveal its function, its action. How can we help people of the historical dimension get in touch with their ultimate nature so that they can live joyfully in peace and freedom? How can we help those who suffer to open the door of the ultimate dimension so that the suffering brought about by fear, despair and anxiety can be alleviated? I have gathered all of the chapters of the Lotus Sutra on the great bodhisattvas into this third, action dimension, the bodhisattva’s sphere of engaged practice.
  Practicing the path and liberating beings from suffering is the action of the bodhisattvas. The Lotus Sutra introduces us to a number of great bodhisattvas, such as Never Despise, Medicine King, Wonderful Sound, Hearer of the Cries of the World (Avalokiteshvara), and Universally Virtue. The action taken up by these bodhisattvas is to help living beings in the historical dimension recognize that they are manifestations from the ground of the ultimate. Without this kind of revelation we cannot see our true nature. Following the bodhisattva path, we recognize the ground of our being, our essential nature, in the ultimate dimension of no birth and no death. This is the realm of nirvana—complete liberation, freedom, peace and joy. [What better way to follow the bodhisattva path than to meditate daily with the Lotus Sutra?]

  In chapter 20 of the Lotus Sutra, we are introduced to a beautiful bodhisattva called Sadaparibhuta, “Never Despise.” This bodhisattva never underestimates living beings or doubts their capacity for buddhahood. His message is, “I know you possess Buddha nature and you have the capacity to become a buddha,” and this is exactly the message of the Lotus Sutra—you are already a buddha in the ultimate dimension, and you can become a buddha in the historical dimension. Buddha nature, the nature of enlightenment and love, is already within you; all you need do is get in touch with it and manifest it. Never Despise Bodhisattva is there to remind us of the essence of our true nature.