Monday, April 20, 2015

Rewriting Dane Rudhyar’s Astrological Mandala
Awakening to one’s true nature
(Sun in tropical Zodiac, April 20, 2015)

Taurus 1° –  a clear mountain stream 
keynote:  the pure, uncontaminated, spontaneous awakening to one’s own nature.
  Here we see life-force in its original, dynamic form as it emerges from emptiness, formless and without form. The mountain stream may be conditioned by the nature of the soil and by all the forces which in the past have formed the mountain’s rock strata—by its past history, but out of this past a new, pure, unadulterated release of potentiality has emerged, imbued with primordial energy, energy being matter at its source. It is flowing irresistibly toward its own destiny.
  Emphasis here resonates with awakening to one’s true nature, the buddha-nature, a return to the original source of one’s being where freed from conditioning factors, one’s original mind is revealed. As one awakens, the manipulations of the ego are no longer in control. The “self” is taken out of the equation.

Text revised from An Astrological Mandala, The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar, published by Random House, 1973. The book itself is a reformulation of the Sabian Symbols originally developed by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones in San Diego, California, 1925 with intermediator Elsie Wheeler.

  Aquí vemos la fuerza vital en su forma original, dinámico tal como surge del vacío, sin forma y sin forma. El arroyo de montaña puede ser condicionada a la naturaleza del suelo y por todas las fuerzas que en el pasado se han formado las montañas de roca por estratos su historia pasada, pero fuera de este pasado ha surgido una nueva versión pura, sin adulterar de potencialidad, imbuido de energía primordial, ser materia de energía en su origen. Está fluyendo irresistiblemente hacia su propio destino.

  El énfasis aquí resuena con despertar a nuestra verdadera naturaleza, la naturaleza de Buda, un retorno a la fuente original del ser de uno donde liberada de condicionantes, la mente original se reveló. Como uno despierta, las manipulaciones del ego ya no tienen el control. El "yo" se saca de la ecuación.

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