Saturday, September 12, 2015

Stories from the Lotus Sutra
(second entry)

“together with its reasoning and process . . .”

  As for the sutras themselves, the Buddha’s teachings are enshrined in The Threefold Lotus Sutra, or Lotus Sutra, a gathering of all his teachings. Reading, reciting, committing to memory passages from the Lotus Sutra, returning to the sutra each day, render insights into benefits derived from instilling the teachings in one’s mind and heart, emancipation from that which holds us back from participating with others in making this a better world—the ultimate goal, to live and act as a bodhisattva, a person of compassion.
  This is not an intellectual journey, nor is it required to beseech, extol, or depend upon a deity. The very nature of the stories, events related, examples set by the Buddha and great personages offer stunning examples of how to enrich our lives and practice compassion, work our through and overcome obstacles and negativity, to see beyond illusions which prevent us from continuing along an enlightened path, enhance our experiences with grander perspectives, discover moments of joy in encounters with others. Returning to and embracing, contemplating, reading, reciting the Lotus Sutra each day, is to participate in the great drama of life itself. As a path to follow, the “Buddha-way” presented in the Lotus may seem remote and unrelated to today’s chaotic  world—but is it?
  “. . . The mysterious laws that have been attained by the buddhas (enlightened ones) each on their wisdom thrones, those who can awaken to this sutra must surely gain ere long. Those who can awaken to this sutra shall the meaning of the laws with their terms and expressions delightedly expound without end like the wind in the sky, which never has impediment. After the Tathagata (“one who comes  from the truth”—the Buddha) is extinct. such a one, knowing this sutra that the Buddha has taught, together with its reasoning and process, shall expound it according to its true meaning.
  “Just as the light of the sun and moon can dispel the darkness, so shall they, working in the world, disperse the gloom of the living and cause numberless bodhisattvas finally to abide in the one vehicle. Therefore, those who have wisdom, hearing the benefits of this sutra after I am extinct, should receive and keep this sutra. These sons and daughters shall in the Way of the Buddha be fixed and have no doubts.”

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