Fundamental Guideposts (4)
Four vows of the Great Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas:
♦ I vow to save all living beings without
♦ I vow to end the numberless distresses.
♦ I vow to know all laws without end.
♦ I vow to accomplish the supreme Buddha-way.
The sun reaches 10° Capricorn at the end of each calendar
year. Its astrological symbol in Dane
Rudhyar’s Astrological Mandala is:
albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor – “every living entity plays a role
in the word’s ritual of existence – beyond these roles the communion of love and compassion can bring
together the most disparate lives.”
This symbol also is
the Original Intent of an
astrological moment in my own life defined as “Promises Made in Past Lives.”
the notebook continuing: The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the
Wonderful Law – the supremely sacred truth that dwells in the minds of ordinary
people living in this corrupt world but is untainted by it, just as the lotus
is untainted by the mud in which it grows and which leads them to buddhahood.
Original vow of
Buddhists: for the particular aim of
benefiting others . . . entertained for the purpose of saving others from their
To see the Buddha
is to realize that “the Buddha” is never extinct and that the Buddha Shakyamuni
was the perfect human being who left us his precious teachings and the “Eternal
Original Buddha,” the Law preached by him.
Interpreting “Beholding the Precious Stupa” – ch. 11, the
Lotus Sutra, in which a magnificent stupa “splendidly adorned” rises from the
earth and abodes in the sky – very much like the mother ship which appears in
“Close Encounters of a Third Kind,” only that ship came out of the sky. The “Precious Stupa,” significantly, rises
from the earth.
(Nikkyo Niwano):
The absolute truth realized by the Tathagata Shakyamuni and symbolized by the
Tathagata Abundant Treasures [who appears in the precious stupa to confirm Shakyamuni’s
teaching of the Lotus Sutra] never changes and has existed throughout the
universe forever, is revealed in the form of the various teachings of the
Buddha and guides people everywhere; symbolized by buddhas who have emanated
from the Buddha and who are preaching the Law in worlds in all directions.
Buddha-nature, the
Precious Stupa springing from the earth, symbolizes unexpectedly discovering
one’s buddha-nature in oneself (the earth) which one had been predisposed to
regard as impure.
If people discover their buddha-nature for
themselves, they will be able immediately to make their abode in the world of
buddhas, the world of enlightened ones.
Enlightenment and salvation of the buddhas
who spring from within ourselves are truly valuable and powerful.
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