Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Meditations 2/20/19

Accepting the Miracle of Existence

As to the Higgs boson, or “Higgs force field,” the event is an inspiration.  All those men and women, Peter Higgs among them, who never gave up  believing this boson exists, even though some called them bonkers.  “Here at the Aspen Center for Physics, a retreat for scientists, bleary-eyed physi­cists drank Champagne in the wee hours as word arrived via Webcast from CERN. It was a scene duplicated in Melbourne, Australia, where physicists had gathered for a major conference, as well as in Los Angeles, Chicago, Princeton, New York, London and beyond – everywhere that members of a curious species have dedicated their lives and fortunes to the search for their origins in a dark universe.” [emphasis added]
  As to practice of the teachings of the Buddha, we ourselves perhaps qualify as members of this “curious species.” Returning each morning to the deserted home of our potential enlightenment is to discover the “blazing fireplace of reality.” This morning’s experience with Sunday contempla­tions and celebration of The Threefold Lotus Sutra, was pre­ceded by a rereading of “Physi­cists Find Elusive Particle Seen as Key to Universe” in The New York Times (quoted above).  Attempted practice of the Buddha’s teachings over the years has been, and very early on, informed by reading in quantum physics and other related matters. There are simply too many insights to be gained relative to the practice of the teachings of the Buddha to be ignored. Many of these “links” are quite extra­ordinary.

  And so it is that we arrive this morning at the meditation center, recognizing above all that the Buddha’s teachings extol the sanctity and miracle of life itself. The isness of existence, if you will.  No longer concerned with what if I do this or that? But simply accepting what is­—the miracle of existence and the potential for enlightenment accessible to all. We begin here and now in each moment of time.

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