(Niwano – 2)
The Highest Form of Religion
absolute devotion to the truth that imparts life to us
Buddhism for Today,
A Modern Interpretation of the Threefold Lotus Sutra, Nikkyo Niwano; John
Weatherhill, Inc., New York and Tokyo ; and Kosei Publishing Company, Tokyo . Copyright 1961, 1976 by Kosei
Publishing Company. [Kojiro Miyasaka’s
English translation very slightly amended] – from Chapter 16, The Life of the
In what way can we gain such consciousness [the true mental
peace that is not disturbed by anything?] Needless to say, the way is to study
the teachings of the Buddha repeatedly and to root them deeply in our minds by
meditating on them, keeping firmly in mind the realization that our lives
should be unified with the universal life (the Buddha). This indeed is
meditation from the religious point of view. Through this kind of meditation,
we can purify even the mind of which we cannot be conscious ourselves, that is
our subconscious mind, and we can make our thought and conduct harmonize
spontaneously with our surroundings. If our thought and conduct are in harmony
with our surroundings, sufferings and worries cannot trouble us. This mental
state is true peace of mind, the stage of “Nirvana is quiescence,” the absolutely
quiet stage in which we cling to nothing.
This state of mind is not limited to a passive mental
peace. Our consciousness of being enlivened by this great universal life gives
us great hope and courage. Energy springs from this consciousness so that we
advance to carry out our daily lives, our work, and our bodhisattva-way for the
benefit of others in this world.
Our awareness
of being caused to live is our great salvation. Our absolute devotion to
the truth that imparts life to us . .
. to take refuge in the Law
wholeheartedly with utter faith and trust. . . [Here Niwano extols the practice
of all followers of the Lotus Sutra as originated by the 13th
Century Priest, Nichiren] . . . we do not worship a thing, a person, a spirit,
or a god existing outside ourselves, but devote ourselves to the Law which
causes us to live and unites us with it with our entire heart and mind—this is
the purest and the supreme faith . . . No form of religion is purer than this .
. .
Next - Considering nuclear physics, energy and matter
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