Saturday, October 10, 2015

Wisdom without a Teacher

Relevant to “Need for Clarity” – a teaching of the Buddha in the Lotus Sutra – who can say this doesn’t have relevance for us in  today’s world? “Leaders of the world” take note.

“If there are living beings who, following the example of the Buddha, the World-honored One, hear the Law, receive it in faith, diligently practice, and zealously advance, seeking the complete wisdom, the wisdom of the Buddha, the natural wisdom, the wisdom without a teacher, and the knowledge, powers, and fearlessness of the Tathagata, the Buddha who comes as the truth, who take pity on and comfort innumerable creatures, benefit gods and living beings, and save all, these will have the vehicle named the Great-vehicle. Because these bodhisattvas seek this vehicle, they are named mahasattvas, persons of great compassion. They are like those children who come out of the burning house for the sake of a bullock cart.”

The confused in generations to come
who hear the One-vehicle preached by the Buddha,
in their delusion and unbelief
will break the Law and fall into chaotic ways.
But there are beings modest and pure,
devoted to seeking the buddha-way;
for such as these I must
widely extol the One-vehicle Way.
Know, Shariputra!
The Law of enlightened ones is thus,
by myriads of countless tactful ways
they proclaim the Law as opportunity serves.
Those who will not learn
are not able to discern it.
You already know
the expedient tactful ways of the enlightened ones,
the leaders of the world.
Have no further doubts,
rejoice greatly in your hearts
knowing that you will become enlightened ones.

“All are equal in having the enlightened nature—the cause to live. This is the true aspect of all  living beings.”
“Abandon the small self and find the self that lives as the whole. Non-self is the only way we can realize, All the universe in our domain.”
“One’s own mind is intrinsically one with primordial spirit, primordial energy, primordial force. . . to become aware of one’s own enlightened nature, bringing it to light from the depth of one’s mind, nurturing it and developing it vigorously, is the first step one needs to take.”

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