Saturday, November 29, 2014

Shakyamuni’s Mission
♦ First teaching of the Law at Varansi ♦
The Three-Part Vehicle

deciding how to preach
encouragement from the brahma kings

decidir como predicar
fomento de los Reyes Brahma

When I first sat on the wisdom throne,
looking at that tree and walking about it
during thrice seven days,
I pondered such matters as these;
The wisdom which I have obtained
is wonderful and supreme,
but all creatures are dull in their capacities,
pleasure-attached and blind with ignorance.
Such classes of beings as these,
how can they be saved?

Cuando me senté por primera vez en el trono de sabiduría,
mirando ese árbol y caminar sobre él
tres veces durante siete días,
Reflexioné sobre cuestiones como éstas;
La sabiduría que he obtenido
es maravilloso y supremo,
pero todas las criaturas son aburridos en sus capacidades,
placer-adjunto y ciega con la ignorancia.
Estas clases de seres como éstos,
¿cómo pueden ser salvados?

Thereupon all the Brahma kings
and Lord Shakra of all the gods,
the four heavenly beings,
with hundreds of thousands of myriads of followers,
respectfully saluted with folded hands,
entreating me to roll the wheel of the Law.

Entonces todos los reyes de Brahma
y Señor Shakra de todos los dioses,
los cuatro seres celestiales,
con cientos de miles de miríadas de seguidores,
respetuosamente saludó con las manos juntas,
me suplicaba a rodar la rueda de la ley.

Then I pondered within myself:
If I only extol the Buddha-vehicle,
all creatures, being sunk in suffering,
will not be able to believe this Law,
and by breaking the Law through unbelief
will fall into the three evil paths.
I had rather not preach the Law,
but instantly enter nirvana.

Luego reflexioné en mi interior:
Si sólo Encomio el vehículo de Buda,
todas las criaturas, se hundieron en el sufrimiento,
no será capaz de creer esta Ley,
y rompiendo la ley por medio de la incredulidad
caerá en los tres malos caminos.
Tuve más bien no predicar la Ley,
pero inmediatamente entrar en el nirvana.

shakyamuni remembers how
enlightened ones before him
tactfully performed – the three-part vehicle

shakyamuni recuerda cómo
los ilustrados antes que él realizó
con mucho tacto - el vehículo de tres partes

Then, on remembering what former buddhas
performed by their tactful powers,
I thought, The Way which I have now attained
I must preach as the three-part vehicle.

L uego, al recordar lo que el ex budas
realizado por sus poderes con tacto,
Pensé, El Camino que ahora he alcanzado
Debo predicar como el vehículo de tres partes.

While I was pondering thus,
all the buddhas in the universe appeared
and with sacred voice, cheered me in response:
Excellent! Shakyamuni! the first of leaders!
Having attained this supreme Law,
thou art following after all the buddhas
in using tactful powers.
We too have all attained
this most wonderful, supreme Law,
but for the sake of the many kinds of creatures,
we divide and preach it in three vehicles.

Mientras yo estaba pensando lo tanto,
todos los Budas en el universo aparecieron
y con voz sagrada, me animó en respuesta:
Excelente! Shakyamuni! el primero de los líderes!
Después de haber alcanzado esta Ley suprema,
hubieres siguiente después de todos los budas
en el uso de poderes con tacto.
Nosotros también hemos logran en su totalidad
la más maravillosa, la Ley suprema,
pero por el bien de los muchos tipos de criaturas,
dividimos y predicamos en tres vehículos.

Those of little wisdom delight in petty laws,
not believing they can become buddhas,
hence we by tactful ways
divide and preach the natural results.
Though we also proclaim the three vehicles,
it is only for teaching the bodhisattvas.

Los de pequeña delicia sabiduría en mezquinas leyes,
no creer que pueden llegar a ser budas,
de ahí que por formas discretas
dividir y predicar los resultados naturales.
A pesar de que también anunciamos los tres vehículos,
es sólo para la enseñanza de los bodhisattvas.

Know, Shariputra!
hearing the voices of the Holy Lions,
profoundly clear and mystic,
I saluted them, Hail, enlightened ones!
and again reflected thus:
Having come forth into the disturbed and evil world,
I, according to the enlightened ones’ behest,
will also obediently proceed.

Sepan, Shariputra!
escuchar las voces de los Santos de Leones,
clara y profundamente místico,
Les saludé: ¡Salve, los iluminados!
y reflejada de nuevo por lo tanto:
Después de haber llegado por el mundo perturbado y el mal,
I, de acuerdo con instancias los iluminados,
será también obedientemente proceder.

Having finished pondering this matter,
I instantly went to Varañasi.
The nirvana-nature of all existence,
which is inexpressible,
I by tactful ability preached to the five bhikshus.
This is called the first teaching of the Law,
whereupon was heard the sound of Nirvana,
and also the separate names of Buddha,
of Law, and of Sangha.

Después de haber terminado de reflexionar al respecto,
Al instante me fui a Varanasi.
El nirvana-naturaleza de toda la existencia,
que es inexpresable,
Yo por la habilidad diplomática prediqué a los cinco bhikshus.
Esto se llama la primera enseñanza de la Ley,
con lo cual se escuchó el sonido de Nirvana,
y también los nombres separados de Buda,
de la Ley, y de Sangha.

From distant kalpas onward
I have extolled and indicated the Law of nirvana
for the perpetual end of mortal distress;
thus have I continuously spoken.

Desde kalpas distantes en adelante
He ensalzado e indicó la Ley del nirvana
para el final perpetuo de angustia mortal;
Así he hablado continuamente.

Shakyamuni’s Mission
♦ First teaching of the Law at Varansi ♦
The Three-Part Vehicle

deciding how to preach
encouragement from the brahma kings

When I first sat on the wisdom throne,
looking at that tree and walking about it
during thrice seven days,
I pondered such matters as these;
The wisdom which I have obtained
is wonderful and supreme,
but all creatures are dull in their capacities,
pleasure-attached and blind with ignorance.
Such classes of beings as these,
how can they be saved?

Thereupon all the Brahma kings
and Lord Shakra of all the gods,
the four heavenly beings,
with hundreds of thousands of myriads of followers,
respectfully saluted with folded hands,
entreating me to roll the wheel of the Law.

Then I pondered within myself:
If I only extol the Buddha-vehicle,
all creatures, being sunk in suffering,
will not be able to believe this Law,
and by breaking the Law through unbelief
will fall into the three evil paths.
I had rather not preach the Law,
but instantly enter nirvana.

shakyamuni remembers how
enlightened ones before him
tactfully performed – the three-part vehicle

Then, on remembering what former buddhas
performed by their tactful powers,
I thought, The Way which I have now attained
I must preach as the three-part vehicle.

While I was pondering thus,
all the buddhas in the universe appeared
and with sacred voice, cheered me in response:
Excellent! Shakyamuni! the first of leaders!
Having attained this supreme Law,
thou art following after all the buddhas
in using tactful powers.
We too have all attained
this most wonderful, supreme Law,
but for the sake of the many kinds of creatures,
we divide and preach it in three vehicles.
Those of little wisdom delight in petty laws,
not believing they can become buddhas,
hence we by tactful ways
divide and preach the natural results.
Though we also proclaim the three vehicles,
it is only for teaching the bodhisattvas.

Know, Shariputra!
hearing the voices of the Holy Lions,
profoundly clear and mystic,
I saluted them, Hail, enlightened ones!
and again reflected thus:
Having come forth into the disturbed and evil world,
I, according to the enlightened ones’ behest,
will also obediently proceed.

Having finished pondering this matter,
I instantly went to Varañasi.
The nirvana-nature of all existence,
which is inexpressible,
I by tactful ability preached to the five bhikshus.
This is called the first teaching of the Law,
whereupon was heard the sound of Nirvana,
and also the separate names of Buddha,
of Law, and of Sangha.
From distant kalpas onward
I have extolled and indicated the Law of nirvana
for the perpetual end of mortal distress;
thus have I continuously spoken.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Tulip Fields, Netherlands
“Appearing Buddha” – continued
  To those curious about “Buddhism” as it teaches attaining enlightenment in this lifetime, it’s suggested first we should (as in chapter 10 of the Lotus Sutra) “Think of the Buddha, let them be patient.”

  “Think of the Buddha; let them be patient.
  In thousands of myriads of countless lands,
  I appear with pure imperishable bodies,
  and in infinite countless kalpas
  preach the Law for all the living.”

We can reword the above:

  “Think of the Buddha, let them be patient.
  During centuries following my extinction,
  in thousands of myriads of countless lands,
  and in infinite countless kalpas, great teachers of the Law
  with pure imperishable minds will appear,
  and in infinite countless kalpas
  preach the Law for all the living.”

“I shall be Buddha, though under different names . . .” (Parable of the Magic City)

  In the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha declares his “appearance in the world” within all the living, before and after he becomes extinct. Note again, he presents this “appearing Buddha” as an existing presence within us, an essence of the vibrant, all-pervading universal force that causes everything to live, immanent in us and all phenomena of the material world.

  In a word, in the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha teaches us how to celebrate life—this life, here and now.
Duoro Valley, Portugal
“Appearing Buddha” (El Buda “Apareciendo”) – continued
  To those curious about “Buddhism” as it teaches attaining enlightenment in this lifetime, it’s suggested first we should (as in chapter 10 of the Lotus Sutra) “Think of the Buddha, let them be patient.”
Para los curiosos acerca de "budismo," ya que enseña a alcanzar la iluminación en esta vida, se sugiere primero que debemos (como en el capítulo 10 del Sutra del Loto) "Piense en el Buda, que sean pacientes."
“Think of the Buddha; let them be patient.
In thousands of myriads of countless lands,
I appear with pure imperishable bodies,
and in infinite countless kalpas
preach the Law for all the living.”
“Piense en el Buda; dejarlos ser paciente.
En miles de miríadas de incontables tierras,
Aparezco con cuerpos imperecederos puros,
y en innumerables kalpas infinitas
predicar la Ley para todos los vivientes"
  We can reword the above:  Podemos reformular la anterior:
“Think of the Buddha, let them be patient.
During centuries following my extinction,
in thousands of myriads of countless lands,
and in infinite countless kalpas, great teachers of the Law
with pure imperishable minds will appear,
and in infinite countless kalpas
preach the Law for all the living.”
"Piense en el Buda, que sean pacientes.
Durante siglos después de mi extinción,
en miles de miríadas de incontables tierras,
y en innumerables kalpas infinitas, grandes maestros de la Ley
aparecerán con mentes puras imperecederas,
y en innumerables kalpas infinitas
predicar la Ley para todos los vivientes "
“I shall be Buddha, though under different names . . .” (Parable of the Magic City)
Voy a ser Buda, aunque bajo diferentes nombres. (Parábola de la Ciudad Mágica)
  In the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha declares his “appearance in the world” within all the living, before and after he becomes extinct. Note again, he presents this “appearing Buddha” as an existing presence within us, an essence of the vibrant, all-pervading universal force that causes everything to live, immanent in us and all phenomena of the material world.
En el Sutra del Loto, el Buda Shakyamuni declara su "aparición en el mundo" dentro de toda la vida, antes y después de que él se extingue. Nota de nuevo, se presenta esta "apareciendo Buda" como una presencia que existe dentro de nosotros, una esencia de la vibrante, que todo lo penetra fuerza universal que hace que todo lo que vivir, inmanente en nosotros y todos los fenómenos del mundo material.
  In a word, in the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha teaches us how to celebrate life—this life, here and now.
En una palabra, en el Sutra del Loto, Shakyamuni Buda nos enseña cómo celebrar la vida, esta vida, aquí y ahora.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The “Appearing” Buddha
(El Buda “Apareciendo”)

  Those of us who seek to “walk the Buddha-way” may forget at times that the original source of our practice derives from the teachings of Shayamuni Buddha, enlightened one of the Shakya clan, born in ancient India around 660 B.C., who became “extinct” around 480 B.C. at the age of 80, and that his teachings were originally transmitted by the sutras, most notably the “One Vehicle” – The Threefold Lotus Sutra. Thus the Buddha Shakyamuni and his teachings become the principal object of worship. Increasing awareness of the Buddha’s “presence” in our   lives, in our daily meditation, reading, reciting, copying or memorizing the Lotus Sutra, strengthens and affirms the inner conviction—the spontaneous “mindfulness” that revering this Original Buddha, not as some “god” floating around in the cosmos but as an existing presence within us, is the vibrant, all-pervading universal force that causes every to live, immanent in all phenomena of the material world.
  Aquellos de nosotros que tratan de "caminar el Buda-way," puede olvidar a veces que la fuente original de nuestra práctica se deriva de las enseñanzas de Buda Shayamuni, un iluminado del clan Shakya, nacido en la antigua India alrededor de 660 aC, que se convirtió en "extinto "alrededor de 480 B.C a la edad de 80 años, y que sus enseñanzas fueron transmitidas originalmente por los sutras, sobre todo el "Único Vehículo" - La Triple Sutra del Loto. Por lo tanto el Buda Shakyamuni y sus enseñanzas se convierten en el principal objeto de culto. El aumento de la conciencia de la "presencia" del Buda en nuestra vida, en nuestra meditación diaria, leer, recitar, copiar o memorizar el Sutra del Loto, fortalece y reafirma la convicción de la "atención plena" espontánea interior que reverenciar este Buda original, no como algunos "dios "flotando en el cosmos, sino como una presencia que existe dentro de nosotros, es la vibrante, que todo lo penetra fuerza universal que hace que todos los que viven, inmanente en todos los fenómenos del mundo material.
  Those of you who do not seek to walk the Buddha-way, or “follow” the Buddha’s teachings (giving other “names” to your spiritual journey), are not excluded from these “truths.” In many chapters of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha declares “I look upon everyone with equal eyes . . . to those who are not in this assembly do you proclaim my words . . . To those whose hearts are longing, I appear to preach the Law, the one and only Law of emancipation and nirvana.”
  Aquellos de ustedes que no buscan a caminar el Buda-forma, o "seguir" las enseñanzas del Buda (que dan otros "nombres" de su viaje espiritual), no están excluidos de estas "verdades." En muchos capítulos del Sutra del Loto, el Buda declara "Yo miro a todos con iguales ojos. . . para aquellos que no están en esta asamblea hacer anunciáis mis palabras. . . Para los que tienen corazón anhelo, aparezco para predicar la Ley, la única ley de la emancipación y el nirvana "
  Those who aspire to find personal satisfaction in their lives, are ones who create that which brings wellness to others—contributes to joy and happiness of others, those who aspire to “non-existence” of past and future; those who freely celebrate life with unquestioning reverence for life and celebrate it with compassion, “releasing the personal ego,” knowing that all the living are intrinsically connected – “These too walk the Buddha-way.”
  Los que aspiran a encontrar satisfacción personal en sus vidas, son los que crean que el que trae bienestar a los demás, contribuye a la alegría y la felicidad de los demás, los que aspiran a la "no-existencia" del pasado y el futuro; los que celebran libremente la vida con reverencia incondicional por la vida y lo celebran con compassion," la liberación del ego personal," sabiendo que toda la vida están intrínsecamente conectados - "Estos también a pie del Buddha-camino."
  These too have seen “The Appearing Buddha” within life itself, here and now.
  Estos también han visto "El Buda Apareciendo" dentro de la vida misma, aquí y ahora.
Summer Solstice at Stonehenge

The “Appearing” Buddha
  Those of us who seek to “walk the Buddha-way” may forget at times that the original source of our practice derives from the teachings of Shayamuni Buddha, enlightened one of the Shakya clan, born in ancient India around 660 B.C., who became “extinct” around 480 B.C. at the age of 80, and that his teachings were originally transmitted by the sutras, most notably the “One Vehicle” – The Threefold Lotus Sutra. Thus the Buddha Shakyamuni and his teachings become the principal object of worship. Increasing awareness of the Buddha’s “presence” in our   lives, in our daily meditation, reading, reciting, copying or memorizing the Lotus Sutra, strengthens and affirms the inner conviction—the spontaneous “mindfulness” that revering this Original Buddha, not as some “god” floating around in the cosmos but as an existing presence within us, is the vibrant, all-pervading universal force that causes everything to live, immanent in all phenomena of the material world.
  Those of you who do not seek to walk the Buddha-way, or “follow” the Buddha’s teachings (giving other “names” to your spiritual journey), are not excluded from these “truths.” In many chapters of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha declares “I look upon everyone with equal eyes . . . to those who are not in this assembly do you proclaim my words . . . To those whose hearts are longing, I appear to preach the Law, the one and only Law of emancipation and nirvana.”
  Those who aspire to find personal satisfaction in their lives, are ones who create that which brings wellness to others—contribute to joy and happiness of others, those who aspire to “non-existence” of past and future; those who freely celebrate life with unquestioning reverence for life and celebrate it with compassion, “releasing the personal ego,” knowing that all the living are intrinsically connected – “These too walk the Buddha-way.”
  These too have seen “The Appearing Buddha” within life itself, here and now.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Lavender fields in France

Shakyamuni’s Mission
as told in The Threefold Lotus Sutra
  With all its grand “other-worldly” tales of treasure towers and Great Bodhisattvas rising from the earth, magic cities, stories of fabulous, larger-than-life enlightened beings (buddhas), as well as stories of extraordinary deeds of ordinary living beings, including persons of learning and those of self-attained enlightenment, it’s clear nevertheless that the Buddha’s supreme intent described in the sutra is to “cause all the living to enter the way supreme and speedily accomplish enlightenment.”
  For those of you who are following the thread "Buddhahood in Three Dimensions" by Thich Nhat Hahn in 9 parts linked at my timeline: here is a significant view of "its grand other-worldly tales . . . :
  Chapter 1 of the Lotus Sutra takes us to Vulture Peak, near the city of Rajagriha in the kingdom of Magadha (present-day northeast India), where the Buddha has gathered with a large assembly of disciples . . . This vast multitude of many different kinds of beings is present in the assembly when the Buddha is about to deliver the Lotus Sutra. This not only sets the stage for the delivery of the sutra in the historical dimension, but also reveals the ultimate dimension. The vast numbers of shravakas and bodhisattvas, the presence of gods and mythical beings, give us our first taste of the ultimate dimension and show us that the opportunity to hear the Lotus Sutra delivered by the Buddha is something very special, a great occurrence not to be missed. / / /
  The Threefold Lotus Sutra is one of the world’s great religious classics representing the culmination of the Buddha’s ageless teaching of wisdom, compassion and liberation, a significant resource for all those today whose hearts are longing to discover peace of mind and their place in the world.
  Also, the Sutra contains many “threads” following the Buddha’s life, and the dynamic, sometimes dramatic tale of a how he became motivated to go out into the world revealing his experience of attaining enlightenment to men and women of all classes and religions, so that all could attain the same enlightenment as he after “long sitting” under the Bodhi tree in the City of Gaya.

To give peace to all creatures I appear in the world,
and for the hosts of the living
preach the Law pure as sweet dew,
the one and only Law of emancipation and nirvana.
With one transcendent voice I proclaim this meaning,
constantly taking the Great-vehicle as my subject.
I look upon all everywhere with equal eyes,
without distinction of persons, or mind of love or hate.
I have no predilections nor limitations or partiality;
ever to all I preach the Law equally;
as to one person, so to all.
 Lavendar fields in France

Shakyamuni’s Mission
(Spanish translation)

  With all its grand “other-worldly” tales of treasure towers and Great Bodhisattvas rising from the earth, magic cities, stories of fabulous, larger-than-life enlightened beings (buddhas), as well as stories of extraordinary deeds of ordinary living beings, including persons of learning and those of self-attained enlightenment, it’s clear nevertheless that the Buddha’s supreme intent described in the sutra is to “cause all the living to enter the way supreme and speedily accomplish enlightenment.”

Con todas sus grandes cuentos "de otro mundo" de torres de tesoros y grandes Bodhisattvas crecientes de la tierra, las ciudades mágicas, historias de fabulosas, vida más grande que la iluminados seres (budas), así como historias de extraordinarias hazañas de los seres vivientes comunes, incluidas las personas de aprendizaje y las de iluminación auto-cumplido, está claro, no obstante, que la intención suprema del Buda descrito en el sutra es "causar toda la vida para entrar en el camino supremo y rápidamente lograr la iluminación."

The Threefold Lotus Sutra is one of the world’s great religious classics representing the culmination of the Buddha’s ageless teaching of wisdom, compassion and liberation, a significant resource for all those today whose hearts are longing to discover peace of mind and their place in the world.

La Triple Sutra del Loto es uno de los grandes clásicos religiosos del mundo que representan la culminación de la enseñanza eterna del Buda de la sabiduría, la compasión y la liberación, un recurso importante para todos aquellos hoy tienen el corazón anhelo de descubrir la paz de la mente y su lugar en el mundo.

  Also, the Sutra contains many “threads” following the Buddha’s life, and the dynamic, sometimes dramatic tale of a how he became motivated to go out into the world revealing his experience of attaining enlightenment to men and women of all classes and religions, so that all could attain the same enlightenment as he after “long sitting” under the Bodhi tree in the City of Gaya.

Además, el Sutra contiene muchos "hilos" a raíz de la vida del Buda, y la dinámica del cuento, a veces dramática de una forma en que se sintió motivado a salir al mundo revelando su experiencia de alcanzar la iluminación a los hombres y mujeres de todas las clases y religiones, por lo que todos puedan alcanzar la misma iluminación como él después de "estar siempre" bajo el árbol Bodhi en la ciudad de Gaya.

To give peace to all creatures I appear in the world,
and for the hosts of the living
preach the Law pure as sweet dew,
the one and only Law of emancipation and nirvana.
With one transcendent voice I proclaim this meaning,
constantly taking the Great-vehicle as my subject.
I look upon all everywhere with equal eyes,
without distinction of persons, or mind of love or hate.
I have no predilections nor limitations or partiality;
ever to all I preach the Law equally;
as to one person, so to all.

Para dar la paz a todas las criaturas que aparecen en el mundo,
y para los anfitriones de los vivos
predicar la Ley puro como dulce rocío,
la única ley de la emancipación y el nirvana.
Con una sola voz trascendente proclamo este sentido,
tomando constantemente la Gran-vehículo como mi tema.
Miro a todos por todas partes con iguales ojos,
sin distinción de personas, o la mente de amor o de odio.
No tengo predilecciones ni limitaciones o parcialidad;
nunca para todo lo que predico la Ley por igual;
como a una persona, por lo que a todos.