Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Universe 10 billion years ago,
some five billion years "old"

The Great Life (4)

From documentary “Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds” : The universe is literally like a giant brain. It is constantly thinking, using a type of hidden energy that science is only starting to understand.  Through this universal network unfathomable energy moves, providing for the expansion and growth of the universe.

Nikkyo Niwano continues:

  Shakyamuni Buddha expanded on the rule that events and the functions of the mind are similar through the doctrine of dependent origination, meaning that all phenomena are produced and annihilated by causation. A thing does not take form unless there is an appropriate condition. This truth applies to all existence and phenomena in the universe. . .
  When we look carefully at things around us we find that water, stone, and human beings are produced each according to a certain pattern with its own individual character. Through what power or direction are the conditions generated that produce various things in perfect order from such an amorphous thing as the pure void or  emptiness? When we consider this regularity and order, we cannot help but admitting that some rule exists. It is the rule that causes all things to live. This is indeed the Law taught by the Buddha.
  We do not exist accidentally, but exist and live by means of this Law. As soon as we realize this fact, we become aware of our firm foundation and can set our mind at ease. Far from being capricious, this foundation rests on the Law with which nothing can compare in firmness. This assurance is the source of the great peace of mind that is not agitated by anything. It is the Law that imparts life to all of us. This Law is not something cold, but is full of vigor and vivid with life.

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