Friday, May 29, 2015

The Cosmos
Magically a Part of Us

  Here in Buddhism's atheism [or preferably, non-theism /dfs] is the key concept that separates the dualist faiths of man from this no-nonsense, unsupernatural belief-system. Mahayana Buddhism sees ALL existence as supremely sacred; it needs no other-worldly injunction to validate this sanctity, no God on High; and, most important of all, it sees the plain and mundane things of daily existence—when viewed from the right perspective—as sanctified as the loftiest ideals. In short, in this enlightened awareness, we can all see the marvelous wonder of our universe, blemishes and all, and find our home and comfort in a cosmos that is magically a part of us, and us a part of it. This interpenetration of the individual in the universe is what the teachings of the Buuddha are all about. This is their scope and majesty.

  You do not see the sky, you are the sky.  You do not touch the earth, you are the earth.  The wind does not blow on you, it blows within you.  In this simple one taste, you can drink the Pacific Ocean in a single gulp, and swallow the universe whole.  Supernova are born and die all within your own heart, and galaxies swirling endlessly, where you thought your head was, and it is all a simple as the sound of a robin singing on a crystal clear dawn.

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